John the Lay Preacher

We've had a few staffing changes at our church recently and John was asked to help preach during our latest sermon series.  I try not to turn this into a boasting blog but here's why I'm proud of this particular endeavor.  There were a lot of people praying for John that day and in the weeks leading up to it.

This is not something he's done all that often and people from our home group and families were praying that he would be well prepared and confident in what he was teaching.

He did an awesome job.  Even the elements of the service that John had no control over seems to mold perfectly into the spirit of the day.  God blessed that service.  John was great but more than that, people walked away blessed and encouraged by the entire service.

I think some people were surprised by how well the morning went.  Our worship team was down a few members for various reasons and the preacher is a software engineer by trade.  Why did it come together so well? All the prayer leading up to it.  Imagine what could happen if churches all over were bathed in prayer the way ours was.  If as many people prayed for our senior pastor on a weekly basis the same as they prayed for John, what a gift.

So my friends, remember your church staff in your prayers.  They work hard to lead you week after week with biblical truths, challenges, and encouragement.

And now...John's sermon for those that might be interested.

The Story - The Hero Arrives - 3-15-15 from Olathe Christian Church on Vimeo.

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