Holiday Recap

Sorry once again for the lack of posting. The powers that be had blogger blocked for awhile...and probably will again. It is realistic of them to think that I would be doing something productive during work hours, so I can't complain.

Anyway, the powers that be have loosened up for now so here's my chance to update.

The holidays went well. Pretty relaxed. We spent the weekend before Christmas on the ranch with John's parents. We talked to some cows, wrangled some horses, tried to fish without success, and John conned me into playing piano for a Sunday night hymn sing at his parent's church. Honestly, it was great fun...just a little challenging to play unfamiliar hymns on cue.

And look what we got for Christmas!

We drove home on Christmas Eve in time to make it to the midnight service with my family. It's harder to stay awake when you've driven 8 hours to get there. We made it though. Christmas day was lovely. We all got more than we asked for (most didn't ask for anything). We ate great food and relaxed with family. As for the new year...I've decided that I'll have better success at a irresolution list. Here are the things I will not do in 2008. Goals should be attainable I say.

1. I will not eat spaghetti squash.
2. I will not wear a hair net.
3. I will try not to worry so much.
4. I will not write daily blog posts.
5. I will not take up needlepoint.
6. I will not learn to play the trumpet.
7. I wll not wear uncomfortable clothes.
8. I will not see any tv show that stars animated produce or a sponge that lives in the sea.
9. I will not dye my hair red.
10. I will not take a bus through China.

Wish me luck.

Blessings to all of you in the new year.

2 Response to "Holiday Recap"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I am predicting that #'s 2, and 7 will be the hardest to keep :). I have a perfectly good trumpet sitting in my bedroom closet if you lose motivation on #6. I wish you lived closer. I love your brain. You must have inspired me back in the day because my brain doesn't think in quite the same manner as it used to. Christi

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Well, I wish you would break #4 because I love reading your blogs..makes me feel like I've just talked to you! I second Christi's wishing you lived closer! I miss both of you!! I'm thinking we need to do a girl's weekend again and soon!! :) How about somewhere warm like Arizona???? I'm freezing here and tired of the cold. Love you! Heath