Oh The Snow

I'm over the snow.  Seth is too.  Grandpa told him that there wouldn't be any baseball games until after the snow was all gone.  He gets upset every time the snow begins to fall.  I do too but for different reasons. 

We had two "snow days" a couple weeks ago which kept us all cooped up with no where to go. Seth went outside with John to finish a snow fort they started during the last snowstorm.  Colin still had has a runny nose he got in October (yes - October!) so I didn't want him outside in the elements.  I had to keep him distracted so he wouldn't notice that all the other boys were outside frolicking.

For Jenny...

The Song: Everybody

While I was visiting Jenny in Switzerland we made two CD's to take on our road trip through the mountains.  One playlist from my music and one from Jenny's.  This is from Jenny's list and the boys love it!

This is a favorite sing-a-long song in the car. The boys call it the "Ooo Ooo" song. Their other favorite sing-a-long song is the "Ha Ha" song (translated: Rawhide ).  This one did not come from Jenny's playlist.  I'll give you one guess as to where it came from.

One Smart Cookie

The drive from daycare to our house every evening is full of interesting conversations about what we learned, what we ate, or whether we slept during naptime. I ask a lot of questions to keep the conversation going. This has become one of my favorite kid stories (you've probably heard me tell it).

Seth: Mommy, when I five, I go to new school?

Me: Well Seth, you'll go to a new school when you start Kindergarten.

Seth: Mommy, when I go to High School?

Me: You'll go to Elementary School first, then Middle School, then High School, then College. (I figured I'd just cut to the chase and get them all listed). After College you get to choose whether you go to more school or get a job.

Seth: I get a job.

Me: Okay. What kind of job would you like to have?

Seth: I be a football player.

Me: Okay. Colin, what kind of job do you want to have?

Colin: I be pilot. Go on airplane.

Seth: Mommy? What we having for dinner? I gonna need double to be big and strong football player.

Me: What you need to do is drink all your milk. Big and strong football players drink their milk (I don't know that to be true but I'll play any angle to get that kid to drink his milk)

Seth: Okay. I want milk for dinner. I be big and strong.

Pause while mommy pretends to pat herself on the back for another successful manipulation of her children.

Colin: I be pilot. I want apple juice.

Later that weekend the boys stayed with my parents for a couple of days. My dad told us Seth was renegotiating most of the weekend, trying to figure out what sport he could play that would allow him to drink apple juice. Grandpa stuck with the milk conspiracy though. And if Seth asks you, I expect you to stick with the plan. Colin on the other hand - has us all figured out.

Colin pretending to drive Grandpa's farm truck. It has nothing to do with the story - except for that look that says, "I'm one smart cookie!"

The New Digs

No...No...No...DON'T GO!

You're in the right place.  We're just new and improved (and hopefully we'll be a bit more punctual!)

See?  There's an update below and a few cute pictures.

You might notice a few changes.

1.  The Look - It's calmer.  I like it.  I can't, however, figure out how to get rid of the "links to nowhere" at the top.  Someone smarter will have to tell me how to do it.  (Updated to Add:  You can no longer find the "links to nowhere" at the top.  My very own in-house computer nerd genius husband fixed it.)

2.  The Title - When I started this blog I was just one chatter box.  Now, there are many.  Seriously - you should hear the chatter going on right now.  Me and Sheena - we're the only quiet ones.

3.  The Labels - Me and my mother are the only one's who might care.  We both feel better when things are organized.  Now she can peruse all the posts about her grandkids without muddling through the other dribble.

4.  The Links - There are some new ones.

So here we are.  More appropriately labeled and organized.  I'll try to make it last.

One Year - A Comparison

4:01 PM by John and Kim 0 comments
Here was Seth on Superbowl Sunday 2010.

And here he is on Superbowl Sunday 2011.

Same living room...Same tv tray...one rapidly growing child!

Here We Go...Again

I know! I know! No excuses - it's just pitiful.

I've done some fun stuff since I wrote last though.

1. I went to Switzerland (I KNOW! If that doesn't warrant a blog post - I don't know what does!)

I went to visit friends and revisit a place I called home for awhile. More dedicated bloggers wrote about it here and here and here (this one is really just about the cans of pumpkin I brought with me, which was almost as important as me being there myself).

2. We celebrated Christmas

We spent Christmas in Oklahoma with John's parents.

The boys' first Christmas was as magical as you would imagine. I wasn't sure how much they would understand but they caught on just fine. We celebrated Jesus and Santa and the giving of gifts.

3. We celebrated our 1 year family-versary!

We celebrated with a traditional Ethiopian dinner at a local restaurant. John was giving instructions to everyone about how to eat it and we looked over to find Seth digging in - no instruction needed. Colin wasn't nearly as concerned as he appears to be in the picture. He too jumped in and gobbled it right up.

I made books for each of the boys with pictures and stories from when we became a family. Actually, someone else made the books, I just added pictures and captions. They are beautiful - and someday I might actually let the boys have them. :)

So you see, we're still here. Everyone is doing well.

I'll try to do better next time.