Ch...Ch...Changes - Again

There have been some changes happening around here.  As of this week, I'm home full-time with the boys.  I've left the world of hospital social work and have embarked on a much bigger challenge. 

It's day 4's been rough.  I'm not gonna lie.  Now, the boys and I have done some fun things but even with the fun, there are adjustments to be made and change doesn't always come easy.

The boys are testing their boundaries to see if the previous rules still apply (they do) and I'm reminding myself that this is normal with a change in routine and it won't last forever (at least to this degree).

We know that ultimately this is what is best for our kids and we'll power through these initial challenges.

For now though, let's just pretend that all is peachy and focus on the fun. 

Tuesday morning (bright and early in order to beat the crowd) the boys and I picked blueberries at a local u-pick place .  Since then we've made blueberry cobbler, blueberry muffins, and John made us blueberry waffles on Wednesday morning. 

I'm sure there will be many more fun-filled days ahead.  I'm sure there will be many more fun-filled days ahead.  I'm sure there will be many more fun-filled days ahead.  Yes...I know I said it three times.  It's a mantra of sorts. 

Send good thoughts our way.  And you KC moms...I'll take any tips on local free fun, learning, energy burning, etc.