Thanksgiving 2011

We spent Thanksgiving this year in Oklahoma with John's parents.  As a special treat this sister came with us.

They had flooding the day before we arrived.  The water had receded but the river was still high.  We spent a lot of time in wading boots.

Colin wanted his turn getting a piggy back ride.

John had the flu and spent a lot of time in bed but ventured out every now and then.  Here he's saving Sheena from being swept away by the river.

Four-wheeler rides.  Or as the boys call it riding the "four-leeler".  This, and riding with Grandpa in the tractor, is the highlight of their trip. 

Did I mention the rain?  It left behind a lot of mud.  I didn't anticipate the need for Colin to have three outfits a day.  Besides, doesn't everyone have underwear hanging in the corner during Thanksgiving dinner?
With no tv, cellphones, or internet there's lots of time for card games...
and coloring with cousins (John's brother and family stopped by for dessert on Thanksgiving day).

Feast preparations
Pie with Grandpa

Coloring with Mommy
A cow picture for Becky (Kelly's friend who really likes cows.) :)

Happy Thanksgiving!

Time to Go to the Dentist

We've spent a lot of time at the dentist in the last two years (see here).  We're lucky to have found one that the boys like.  It's just for kids.  They have Wii games in the waiting room, cartoons playing on the ceiling of each exam room, and gold tokens you can earn to spend on treasures when you're done. 

We were there today for 6-month check-ups.  All is well.  Both Seth and Colin are in the "zero cavity club".

Questions from Seth

Welcome to a new feature on this little ol' blog of mine.  You see, I'm in need of some help.  Our oldest is a thinker.  His mind is running all the time.  He asks questions all day every day.  Most of the time I can provide an answer (and a reminder that I've already answered that question three times today).  But then there are questions that I can't answer.  I can't even guess what kind of information he's looking for. 

I know how this happens.  He thinks about things silently and when his thought gets stuck, he then asks me.  The problem is that there isn't any context, like hearing only the punch line of a joke and not the joke itself.  I've tried to pry for more information but he gets frustrated by my inability to read his mind.  I want to help because often the questions seem meaningful.  So, I'm turning to you for help.  Feel free to answer in the comments.  We could stumble across the meaning of life here folks. 

Today's Question:  "Is it for all of it or just a couple?"

Fire away but don't ask me to clarify or provide more information.  I asked for it but Seth said, "Mommy, that's it, that's all I want to know."  Anybody?  Anybody?

Happy Anniversary

Today is our wedding anniversary.  We didn't make any big plans since we celebrated early with a trip for two.  I did add a few fancy touches to our dinner tonight.  White table cloth (that now has two orange juice spills),  candlelight (we managed not to burn the house down), and clip-on ties for the boys. 

So fancy!