Nap Time Circus Act

Every day when we pick the boys up from daycare, we get a "day sheet" with useful information like what subject they're learning, how much of their lunch they ate, etc.

Seth's teachers mentioned in passing conversation that they've been having "a little trouble" at nap time lately. I didn't know how much trouble until I picked up today's day sheet.

Apparently, he likes to take his shoes and socks off and jump on the cot like a trampoline. I may not have given this boy life but we share this common trait. I also got in trouble as a preschooler for causing a rucus during nap time. I don't think I did any trampoline tricks but I did twist the arm of the boy laying next to me because he wouldn't participate in my nap time antics.

Seth is so full of energy (not a trait he shares with me) that the transition between awake and asleep can be a challenge...for everyone.

Oh and just for the record, his "level of participation" is always "3-active"...always!

Life in the Country - Play Time

I found a toy wheel barrel at a thrift store and just knew the boys would put it to good use. Today they used it to collect the apples that have fallen off our tree. Pardon the play clothes - it was Colin's 5th outfit of the day and I lost motivation to match. And I don't know why Seth insists on sticking his tongue out whenever I ask him to smile for the camera.

Pictures in my Head

Before the boys came home, I would try to picture them as part of our family. What would it be like to have two little people running around our house? Or how would they look sitting on my dad's lap at a baseball game?

The picture below is one of the images I pictured in my head...almost exactly.

This is my grandmother, minutes after meeting my children.

Here are a few more pictures from our trip. A big thank you to Aunt Kelly who came along for the ride. I wouldn't have survived without her help and I wouldn't have any pictures to share with you.

There are certain things that are only allowed at Grandma's house...playing drums with spoons and the dining room table is one of those things. (That's a Spiderman band aid on Colin's forehead...he tumbled with a ceramic cat.)

I have no idea how to explain this picture. There are so many layers to this pictorial onion. My family will appreciate it and will need no explanation so the rest of you will just have to make up your own caption.

The fun wore us right out...

...all of us!

Thanks to everyone who made this trip a special one for...well, me mostly. It was important to me that great grandma could meet the boys. And she, in true form, made the trip a memorable one for them. It will take me weeks to undo the spoiling that took place. It's okay though...that's what I remember most about her house. We got to do things and eat things we couldn't do anywhere else. She has a gift of making her family feel special and loved.