A Dream Fulfilled

This story starts two years ago on a hot August night.  John and I went with our friends Chad and Katie to the JoCo Fair.  I don't remember having ever gone to a county fair before.  We ate fair food, looked at livestock, and sat in the stands to watch the pedal pull (little kids driving tricycle tractors as far as they could), and mutton bustin' (little kids riding ferocious barreling beasts of death and destruction sheep). 

John and I were smack dab in the middle of the adoption process.  We knew we were adopting Seth and Colin at that point and everything we did we imagined what it would be like with them there.  I could tell John was watching the activities of that fair and imagined our boys right there.  We joked about how I'd never let them bust a mutton (seriously...have you ever seen it? Go here for a glimpse.  Not my child...not ever).

It just so happened that while we sat watching toddlers be trampled by ferocious barreling beasts of death and destruction sheep, my phone buzzed with an email from our adoption agency.  It was an update on the boys with new pictures (we clung to those emails for dear life then.)

It took almost an hour to download the new pictures, but sitting in the stands watching toddlers get trampled was the first time we saw Seth's smile. 

Remember these....

Fast forward two years...It's another hot August night.  Chad and Katie are there with us...all four of us.  We're perched in the stands at the JoCo Fair.  Seth is registered for the pedal pull.  He waited in line and carefully studied the kids who went before him.  He's a fierce competitor...hates to lose, but has never seen anything like this before, let alone practiced.  He took his turn and pushed that tractor farther than anyone else so far.  Katie and I cheered like crazy stage moms. 

He ended up in second place out of 40 pullers in his age group and took home a giant red ribbon.  And I think he had fun.  He was confused by our enthusiasm over something that to him wasn't that big of a deal.   To us though...it felt fulfilling. 

There are no pictures of him mutton bustin'.  Not my child...not ever!

Thanks again to Katie for the pictures.

1 Response to "A Dream Fulfilled"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    <3 Love it! :*-)-Spring