Dr. Seth and Dr. Colin

Sunday, May 19, 2013 9:14 PM by John and Kim
John had a bit of an accident this weekend.  He was cutting down a tree a few miles from our house.  After the tree was down it shifted and a limb met his face.  He called before he walked in the door to prepare me for what he would look like.  This picture was shortly after he arrived home.  The colors spectrum has progressed since then as the bruises have developed. 

After he settled on the couch with an ice-pack, the boys decided daddy needed a doctor or two.

When John called on his way home he said he might need some TLC.  I'm not sure this is what he meant but he was a good sport to let the boys help.

1 Response to "Dr. Seth and Dr. Colin"

  1. Mrs. Karen Says:

    Poor John. Sorry about his accident, but that looks like a mug shot. Glad he has such good doctors.