Getting Back to it

I know I've been neglectful of this here blog.  It's been a long almost four weeks of weird headaches, doctor's appointments, and trial and error games with different medications but I think I'm on the mend.  So...I'll do my best to get this little corner of the Internet updated soon. 

We'll start with Seth.  About a month ago, we sat down with Seth's teacher for a parent/teacher conference.  She could not have been more complimentary of Seth's school performance.  She praised his behavior, his ability to focus on task, his social skills, and the example he sets for his classmates.  She even praised the fact that he knew how to have a good time when it was appropriate to do so.

We had also noticed a recent change in his behavior at home.  He has been working hard to follow directions and help out where needed. 

Seth earned the chance to be the star student for the week which included being able to bring home Marvin, the class mascot, for the weekend. 

Seth is 7 going on 17.  He wants nothing more than to be "a big kid".  He wants to drive, have a cell phone, even pay bills, and do his own laundry.  I treasure moments like this when bringing Marvin the moose home for the weekend brings a smile to his face.  Moments when he enjoys being seven.

To say thank you for all his help around the house lately, mommy took Seth out for ice-cream after school.  A special treat for a special kid!

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