Bailey Update

Bailey is, well...a young energetic dog.  He's a sweet puppy who just wants to be your friend.  He doesn't always realize how big he is and that he can come across as a little in-your-face because sometimes he really is in-your-face.

I call him our loveable lug.  He's just wants to be around people all the time and he wants to be as close to you as possible.  If your close enough to his mouth, you're getting a sloppy kiss on whatever limb is available...hand, elbow, foot, toe doesn't matter.  

One day, when he learns some boundaries, he'll be an amazing dog.  He listens well and is eager to please.  He wants so badly to do the right thing, he just doesn't always remember what the right thing is every time.  But he will.  

It's been one week and he got some free time to wander the house on his own this afternoon (while the boys were napping...they tend to get Bailey all wired up).  He did great.  He stayed off furniture and stayed far away from my precious piano (oh yeah...I got a new piano...but that's another story for another time).  He got along well with Carhartt (they acknowledge each other but they're not the best of buds quite yet).  He goes in his kennel on his own, knowing he'll get a treat if he does.  He's better about walking on the leash without dragging me down the driveway.  And he's working on the difference between chew toys and our feet.   

He's a good dog and we're happy to have him.  


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