Five New Things...

There is a blog I read almost everyday. I don't know the author...not at all. I discovered it by way of another blog by another person I don't know. That probably makes me a little weird but no more so then the fact that certain words make me nauseous.

I just think she's funny and creative and a great writer. I appreciate her talent and insight. She set out today to learn five new things. Nothing profound...just something she didn't know before. I thought it was an interesting exercise and wanted to give it a try.

My first new thing...The fear of words is called logophobia.

I'll let you know how I do.

2 Response to "Five New Things..."

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Wow, logophobia could be a labyrinthine encumbrance to living a compos mentis consiousness. I shudder to envisage such a substistance.

    Please don't make me repeat that again.

    I'm glad I found this!

    Barrett "I use big words to make people think that I am smarter than I really am" McLain

  2. Anonymous Says:

    So, are you going to be treated for logophobia??
    It's never too late, Kimmy! :)
    Love ya, (out of town) Heather