it does not mean to be in a place
where there is no noise, trouble
or hard work. it means to be in
the midst of those things and still
be calm in your heart.*
i wish you peace
in your home
in your heart
in the world
Merry Christmas
*(author unknown)

Little Bit Bigger Cabin in the Woods...

Here's a chronological update of the house. The builder is working so fast I can't keep up. Good builder! Good builder!

The front door is on the right. The large window above the kitchen sink is in the middle. The little window to the half-bath is on the left.

This is where the dining room patio will be.
This is the back of the house. The big opening is where the fireplace will be with two big windows on each side.
Log detail on the outside of the house...the inside will be flat.
They'll eventually have a dark cherry stain.

Stack of logs on the kitchen floor.

The front door through the tree.

This is the front of the house (note the ladder position in the first picture). The logs are almost above the doorway. Yeah!
Everyone say, good job John! He's worked so hard maintaining contractors, codes, schedules and supplies for this house and the one we moved (which is almost ready to put on the market...anyone? anyone?). I'm very proud of him!

WeeMe Womance...

Instead of working this afternoon, I did this...

To make one of your own, go here. Happy procrastination!

Wanna Meet Me for Lunch?

In the snack shop today they're serving, "Cheeseburger Dog on Bun" for lunch. I'm perplexed. So is it a cheeseburger or a hot dog?

As any inquisitive person would do, I went to a website that rhymes with Moogle.

The first result was a recipe for "cheeseburger dog treats". That's not encouraging. That lead to a recipe for "chicken cheeseburger dog treats" to complicate matters further...just add another meat source.

As a side note, when I entered today's lunch selection into moogle images, I got this...

Apparently, his name is "O-Dog" and he's guessed it, a cheeseburger. (What up yo?! Power to the cheeseburger dawg!) (Hee! Hee! Get it?) You can learn more about O-Dog here, but I'm not really sure why you'd want to.

Little Cabin in the Woods...

Here's a quick update on the house. I'm actually doing this as much for my benefit as yours. I longed for this house last night. People ask how John and I are doing in the apartment together. We are doing great. You see it's only month #1 so we're still giddily happy and running into each other in the walk-in closet is still cute. And I use the term "walk-in closet" loosely. The stench from the apartment below us, however, is horrid. John says he's used to it which I just cannot understand. The good news is that some days we smell it and some days we don't. Last night we could...a lot.

Anyway, enough whining. We're blessed to have a roof over our heads, albeit a small, smelly roof.

Onto the update. The builder is hard at work. He's been able to keep up pretty well despite the freezing rain and arctic temperatures. He had his entire family (wife, kids, and father-in-law) out sweeping snow off the floor last week. John and I went by there on our way out of town a couple of weeks ago and he was out there with his teenage son pounding nails. He had a huge tool belt loaded with lots of things that I would have to look up to name. He looked rough and tough. And from a boombox, which looked like it was make specifically for the ruggedness of a construction site, I heard "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas". I liked felt festive.

This is the basement floor. Pretty exciting huh? It is for us!
This is looking at the front right corner (which will eventually be our master bathroom).
This is looking straight at the front. The front porch will sit on top of those two cement slabs sticking out from the foundation.
The building behind it is what I call "the man shed". Remember the story of me falling off the barn? That's the barn...I fell off the shorter roof to the right.
So there's the update. I feel better. With expected weather in the 50's at the end of the week...there should be more updates to come.

It's Humiliating

I found this picture this morning. How humiliating (you can see the embarrassment on its face huh?). The deer got caught in a volleyball net...a purple volleyball net at that. He couldn't find a more manly blue, or green, or even black? As if that's not enough, the department of wildlife says they will leave the net alone because the buck will shed its antlers in February. FEBRUARY! You mean this deer has to walk around looking like the Easter version of Ronald McDonald until February?! I feel sorry for the poor little fella.