Wednesday Work Day...Whatever!

It's Wednesday and I'm not at work. It's my day off. Usually what that means is that we'd be working on the house. BUT NOT TODAY!!!

I'm currently sitting on the patio of a local coffeeshop having finished a non-fat caramel latte and a strawberry cheese danish. I'm wearing denim capris and open-toes shoes.

In 30 minutes I'll go visit my doctor (there's nothing wrong mom, just a check-up). An hour after that Sheena will meet her new vet (there's nothing wrong with her either, just a check-up). And then...well, I don't know. The world is my oyster. I may go have a late lunch with my husband. I may finally redeem the gift certificate for a pedicure that my sister gave me for my birthday (IN MARCH!!!)

Before I get too excited, I should clarify that there will be work done on the house later this evening. And I will be there to do it. But for now...I choosing to soak in the breeze, free wi-fi, and my open-toed shoes.

Enjoy your day...wherever you are...whatever your doing.

1 Response to "Wednesday Work Day...Whatever!"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    There is a piece of solid blocking that needs to be added above the basement beam. Cut a 3.25 inch length of 2x10 and use the drill to secure it with deck screws. You may need to drill a pilot hole to prevent splitting.
