Same Size Cabin in the Woods...The Fun Part!

We are forging into the "decorating" stage of this house. I'm collecting paint samples. I'm matching tile and 5 different colors and style of wood. Oh my the wood! There's a lot of it. This is the fun part for me.
Here's what has been purchased...which takes a high level of commitment. For most of it, there's no going back.
Kitchen Cabinets - I LOVE them!

Bathroom/Laundry Room Tile - The laundry room tile has been laid and the half-bath has been started. Neither of us have done this before so we can add this to our list of new skills.Vanity for the half-bath. Isn't she pretty. We won't have a green granite counter top though...see below

This isn't exactly our counter top but it's close enough.

We also selected our entry tile but I can't seem to find that either. Probably because we bought the last 7 boxes they had on clearance.

For the sake of checking things off my mental to-do list...We also primed drywall. With Tim's help, our downstairs ceilings are primed and painted. Thank you Tim!

And you are now up-to-date.

2 Response to "Same Size Cabin in the Woods...The Fun Part!"

  1. Heather A. Says:

    I love 'em! Can't wait to see the finished products! Call me to paint? Call me to help do fun building-type things!

  2. Crippdog Says:

    Your welcome and thanks for the lunch I appreciate that.