A recent storm blew some cool weather our way today. We had plans to paint the basement but it was too nice outside to spend the day inside.
I suggested a family hike and John found the nearest trail that seemed doable for varying levels of energy and ability.
Seth didn't know what "hiking" was so we tried to explain it as best we could. He immediately started moping. "Walking is so boring," he said, "It's not going to be any fun."
We told him that he should try it before deciding that it was boring, but I could also understand how he might think this. Seth goes 110% from the moment he wakes up until his head hits the pillow at night (and he's usually asleep in less than 5 minutes). He thinks why walk when you can run? Walking on a trail, waiting for his slowpoke family doesn't sound like his idea of a good time.
Mommy to the rescue!!!
"Alright Seth, let's make it fun!" On our way to the park we came up with a game to play on our hike. We made a list of 10 things we had to find. Seth decided that we'd get fifteen points for every item we found. He even came up with a bonus item that was worth an extra thirty points. (Why get fifteen points when you can get thirty?)
Family Hike Scavenger Hunt for September 8, 2012
Ants -
Trash -
Animal - No
Red Flower - No
Water -
Rock bigger than Colin -
Tree that has fallen down -
Branch shaped like a letter -
Mushroom -
Other people - No
Bonus item: Bones - No
Total Points: 105
Total Miles Hiked: 1.5
Total # of Kids who think hiking is fun: 2
Mommy wins!
I Love Hiking! |
The Rock Bigger Than Colin |
The Tree That Had Fallen Down |
Seth got into a conversation with the owner of the local BBQ place, where we stopped for lunch, about the pig head on the wall. She told him that he used to have sunglasses but someone must have taken them. Seth found some sunglasses on our hike so we gave them to the pig. |
He's now a biker pig. |
It was a fun family hike after all.
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As promised, we took the boys to a baseball game yesterday to round out our birthday extravaganza (that's what happens when both children have the same birthday...one big extravaganza). Through a series of circumstances we ended up with four extra tickets so we got to bring some friends along.
The boys had fun. Seth watched the game intently and Colin ate through it. The grown-ups had fun too. Watching a losing game is still better than working.
And thus ends another birthday extravaganza. Colin woke up this morning and wanted to know if it was still his birthday. It's sad when good things come to an end. Until next year!
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The boys have been anticipating this day for a long time. It's their birthday!! Last night Colin was sitting at the dinner table waiting for the rest of us to get there. To himself he quietly muttered, "Tomorrow is going to be a special day. Everyone is going to celebrate me." And celebrate we did.
Today Seth is 6 and Colin is 4. We enjoyed a small family party tonight and will attend a baseball game tomorrow.
I was talking with the boys this morning and asked what they'd like to do now that they are six and four. We decided that Seth would have six goals and Colin would have four.
Colin's goals for his fourth year of life -
1. Say yes more often (I might have influenced this goal a bit...the rest were his idea)
2. Be kind
3. Get better at riding his bike
4. Learn to tie his shoes
Seth's goals for his sixth year of life -
1. Be a better reader
2. Read a book to Colin
3. Play a sport
4. Swim in the deep end of the pool
5. Be kind to others
6. Listen and follow directions
Blowing out the Candles |
Colin loves books! We paused during the unwrapping of presents to read the book he got from Aunt Kelly. |
Dancing to the music provided by their new racing cars |
Thanks Uncle Heath and Aunt Janel! The boys are excited to go shopping. |
The boys got to choose what they wanted for dinner. They initially requested "just cake" but after further instruction from mommy they decided on hamburgers AND hotdogs. Halfway through dinner, Colin looks around the table, glanced up at the balloon streamers above his head and said, "This is quite a party." I think that means he felt sufficiently celebrated.
Happy Birthday boys! We love you!
For a look back see
here and
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