Idaho Trip 2013 - Omaha

Just a few pictures from a recent trip to the Omaha Zoo.  The weather was amazing for summer in the Midwest.  Low 80's with no humidity.

Colin with his favorite animal...the zebras!  We stood here for a long time while Colin shared several interesting facts about Zebras.  The zoo should hire him to write the display descriptions.  His narrative was much more interesting than what was provided.  I had to gently remind him to lower his voice when he starting talking about the food chain of the African Savanna.  I'm not sure the group of toddlers next to us was quite ready for that life lesson.

Seth took this picture!
This exhibit delighted me greatly.  I think this was a warming light at the end of a fake log.  It shined like a spotlight and this little guy sat staring into it for a long time.  Just the way he was sitting and staring made me laugh.  Like a teenage lemur parked in front of his laptop.  Or an astronaut lemur headed into space.  Or perhaps he was receiving a message from on high.

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