First Day of School 2013

The day has finally arrived.  The first day of the 2013 school year.  I'm not sure who was more excited this time around...the boys or mommy.  The weather kept us indoors for most of the last couple of weeks which made our days long and somewhat frustrating.  We've all looked forward to this day.

Seth left today a first-grader, which means that he'll be at school for "the whole day".  He's most looking forward to being able to eat lunch at school.  Colin left for his second year of afternoon preschool.  He's a veteran now.  He already knows his teacher and classroom so he left on the bus after lunch and told me he wants to go to his class on his own.

I counted down the days this summer just like the boys did, because for the first time as a stay at home mom...I have the afternoons to myself!  I've dreamed of what I'll do with my time.  Even being able to get a haircut or go to a doctor's appointment without coordinating childcare is a treat.  I thought I'd feel relief and excitement.  I put Colin on the bus and turned to make the walk back up the driveway to a quiet and peaceful house.  And instead of skipping my way up the driveway saying, "YIPEE!"...I cried.  What is it about the first day of school?!?

We were all ready for this day to come but I find myself a bit heartbroken now that it's here.  I'm proud of their confidence and I love that they love school.  I feel though, that I've sent little pieces of my heart out into the world.  Tomorrow perhaps I'll skip and cheer but today I'll cry a bit and pray.  I'll pray for their teachers and friends.  I'll pray that they find ways to be helpful and kind.  I'll pray that they find kindness too.  I'll pray for safety.

Colin wanted to give his bus driver a flower so he's picking out just the right one.
 A look back to last year for those that like that sort of thing.  Seth 2012, Colin 2012

1 Response to "First Day of School 2013"

  1. Amber Says:

    Yes. Yes. All of this, yes.