Franchello Reborn

We've been sprucing things up around here and while cleaning things up around the garage, John found a cocoon (or a chrysalis, if you're like Colin and know that proper scientific names for things in the animal world)  attached to a paper bag.  He wasn't sure how long it had been there but we brought it inside.  Seth and Colin have kept a watchful eye on it and this morning it opened. 

I asked Colin what he wanted to name it and he said Franchello.  So this is Franchello II.  You might recall that things didn't turn out so well for Franchello the first.

He/She/it hung onto the jar lid for a couple minutes and then he/she/it went, fluttering up and over the garage.  Off to face a brave new world...this time with wings!

3 Response to "Franchello Reborn"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Miracles of miracles. Isn't God's creation amazing! Congratulations on a successful delivery :).

  2. Heather A. Says:

    I love how Colin has his arm on his daddy. Sweet! I hope Franchello II has a wonderful day-long life. :)

  3. Spring J. Says:

    awesome, i remember doing this as a kid with bad results it was nice to see one come out safe, you guys are awesome -spring