Life in the Country - More Chickens

We did it again.  Six more chickens have joined our flock.  Three Rhode Island Reds and three Barred Plymouth Rocks.

These will be egg layers.  They are 5 days old and calling the corner of our dining room home for now.

Easter 2014

Happy Easter!

A look back 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 (Oh my good gravy Colin was so tiny...actually, he was never tiny...he's so short! And his pudgy hands grabbing the Easter Egg.  Sunrise, Sunset, Sunrise, Sunset.  Swiftly Flow the Days.)

Seth's Playing Spring Soccer

Just a few pictures from Seth's first soccer game.  He's enjoying it so far.  He has a great coach who works hard on the fundamentals but is also very encouraging.

His team is called the Shockers and they're doing well.  While I support Seth in everything he does, I have to say I'm looking forward to getting back to the sports where spectator seats are provided and close to public restrooms.    But for now...go Shockers!

Colin starts T-ball in one week and boy is he excited.  He's been wearing his cleats around the house so he can "get used to them".

Life in the Country - A Chicken Update

For those interested...

We're now down to 12 chickens.  One of them came down with a respiratory infection and after a week of antibiotics, tlc, and isolation from the rest of the flock he/she/it decided it's life on earth was done.  We decided it was for the best.  As I told John, an old bathtub is no place to grow up.  We've been told this breed may not be all that hardy.  They're not meant to live long so being tough may not be a strong trait.

The rest though, are growing like crazy.  They love being outside but not as much as they love laying around and eating.  I guess that's what they're supposed to do.

I think our experiment is working in that we've decided we might be chicken people.  We're looking for the right breed for our climate and lifestyle but egg laying chickens may be in our near future.  Stay tuned.

Spring Evening

It's around 70 degrees.  The sky is clear.  We're listening to The Royals 'game on the radio.  All the boys are fishing and I'm in a reclining lawn chair playing Candy Crush.  Life is good!