
Colin was chosen by his teacher for an award on Friday.  All the students memorize and recite a character pledge before school each day.  A reminder to them to be honest, hard working, and kind.  Colin's teacher wanted to honor him as an honest student. 

So Friday morning we were all at the school to see him get his certificate.  He stood up with students from the other kindergarten classes. 

We are very proud of him.  When I asked him to tell me some ways he's shown honesty in his class he told me that whenever they are lined up to go somewhere, his teacher wants everyone to be quiet.  If the class gets loud then the teacher says, "Whoever is talking will need to go to the back of the line."  Colin said, "I always go to the back of the line." 

So...he's not following directions but at least he's honest about it.  We're still proud. 

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