Happy Birthday - Round 2

A few pictures of the birthday festivities today.  Seth turned 9 and Colin 7.  I find it all a little hard to believe!

As kids, we celebrated lots of special occasions with these red "You are Special Today" plates.  I love that my kids now get to have them too...

...and thank you to my sister for buying me another one so both boys can have one on this special day!

I cut the cake and as I was putting Seth's piece on his plate, I heard him quietly mumble to himself, "I'm so glad I'm alive."  Me too Seth! 

We got the boys a few small things to open on their actual birthday.   They both got origami books.  Seth got one on making paper airplanes and Colin got animals.  Should be fun!  I envision lots of paper floating around this place soon!  I mean...more than usual.
Thank you Chad and Katie for the gift cards.  This is Colin saying, "Whoa!"  They are excited to do their own shopping!
Happy Birthday boys!  Next up...a surprise visit from Grandparents tomorrow!  They have no idea.  Hee Hee!

1 Response to "Happy Birthday - Round 2"

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