I got an email from my grandma this week telling me, among other things, how much she loves me and that she enjoys reading about my adventures, my thoughts, hopes, dreams. She thinks I should write a book. It’s not hard for me to imagine. Not because my life experience and writing skills warrant a publisher. That’s just what grandmas do.
My grandma lives in California. Other than the few years we lived in Long Beach, we’ve lived far away from her. My memories of her are good. She’s had her share of heartbreak and disappointment. She’s had more adventures and excitement than I could even begin to hope for. She should write the book!
She has nine grandchildren and given the opportunity, she’ll tell you about each and every one of them with a beaming smile of pride. We’ve done some good things…things to be proud of. But it wouldn’t matter, she’d beam anyway. Sometimes we go too long without calling or visiting. We don’t always do what’s right or make the best decisions. That matters, but she’d beam anyway.
You should meet my grandma. If you did, you’d eat a lot. She’d prepare for weeks for your arrival. You’d eat breakfast…and not just cereal and milk. I mean breakfast! Eggs, sausage, fruit, toast, bacon, juice, coffee, pancakes, AND cereal and milk. You’d be sitting at the table enjoying your breakfast, “Where’s grandma?” you ask. She’s in the kitchen…fixing lunch. And not just sandwiches. I mean lunch!
If you met my grandma and you could get her to sit down long enough she would tell you stories. She’d tell you about her parents and brothers and sisters. She’d tell you about my grandpa and about how much she loved him. About owning the Wig Wam drive-in. She’d tell you about all the boyfriends she had after grandpa died…who just couldn’t measure up. About her kids…what they did, where they went, the trouble they got into (they‘re reading this and blaming it on someone else.)
If you met my grandma she would tell you that God is good. She told me so in the email she just sent. She tells us all the time. Every story is an illustration of how thankful and blessed she is and how faithful God has been. Not because her life has been easy or because everything is perfect now. But because God has been with her…just like he said he would. She would want you to know that.
I suppose this is the sort of thing people write about someone who is sick or dying. Not so…not even close. I just wanted you to meet her and wanted her to know how grateful I am that she belongs to me.