Things That Make You Go Hmmm....

At the gym this morning I saw the morning newscast of NBC ActionNews. Here's what the reporter said as best as I can remember it.

"Police officials are investigating the death of a young Kansas City man today. The man was involved in a police chase when he lost control of his vehicle and collided into a building near Linwood Ave. Officials are not sure why the man was speeding away from police but they did find a large amount of crack cocaine in the vehicle."

I imagine them standing around scratching their chins. One says, "Maybe he was late for a dentist appointment." Another adds, "Oh Oh I know...he was trying to return his library books before midnight so he wouldn't have to pay overdue charges."

Dear Genius Police Officials,

It was the crack cocaine that caused the sudden aversion to law enforcement.


I tell this story for several reasons:

1) People told me they were tired of looking at my engagement ring...sniff, sniff. Said people are boys so I thought maybe a car chase would be more their style. I'm an equal opportunity blogger.

2) After working with police detectives at the hospital, I thought it would be a pretty cool job. And now I know that I'm smart enough to do it.

3) So that everyone would know that I got up this morning and went to the gym. Yeah me!!

2 Response to "Things That Make You Go Hmmm...."

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Way to unravel the complex multi-layered Sphinx riddle, Kim. When you run for detective, I'll be sure to vote for you. And thanks for posting the extra-exciting car-chase entry! Us 'boys' appreciate your equal opportunitiness.

    Tim "fuzzbuster" James

  2. Anonymous Says:

    It also makes me question the intelligence of the news media, whose responsibility is to tie such links together for their viewers. But then again, working within the media hasn't impressed me with its intelligence either (i.e. my editor who insisted that if there is a country called South Africa, there must be one called North Africa, too, and made me look it up). -- Gina Grate