Little Bit Bigger Cabin in the Woods...With a Roof and Stain

Monday, May 07, 2007 10:56 AM by Kimberly Ann
Here are updated house pictures as promised.

This is where John has spent most of his time over the last few weeks...on the roof!

Now onto the arduous task of staining every wood surface...which is a lot. I love the color more and more every time I see it.

Do not be fooled by all the pictures of John working. The truth is I'm a wimp on the ladder so when I reach as far as I can without crying like a toddler, John has to take over. He's like a monkey that one! It leaves me with time to take photos.

Trust me, I have the bruises, scrapes, countless splinters to prove that I do more than play photo journalist.
We've also had lots of help from friends and family. I do my best to keep them well fed but we'll never be able to repay them for sacrificing their evenings and weekends to help us.

This picture is a summary of what we've been up to. The tar paper has been laid on the roof (the black sheets on right). The metal roof installation has been started (the green metal panels on the left). About 25% of the staining is complete (the deck on the left is the original color of the wood...the rest is the new color). The yard...well, that's just how we keep it. It's proved to be great fun for the dog and we can find spare wood whenever we need it. You're welcome to help yourself should you find yourself needing odd shaped pieces of wood, large or small. We also have a giant pile of broken concrete if stone is more your style.
There you have it! The only update your missing is that there's a beautiful jacuzzi tub sitting in the master bathroom. We have no walls, no electricity, no floor...but by golly there's a tub!

3 Response to "Little Bit Bigger Cabin in the Woods...With a Roof and Stain"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    The picture of the front of the house took my breath away, it is so beautiful!
    Wow that is great. Hey I can’t believe I am volunteering this but I would be happy to come over a Saturday or 5 and help. I love you guys and I know I have not been asked to help in a long while.


  2. Barrett McLain Says:

    I would encourage you to get John off the roof and get him inside with you! From what I understand, that will make your marriage stronger. Many a roof have messed up marriages.

    Can't wait to see the house.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    It looks amazing! You do good work! :)