April Showers...Frozen Flowers

The crazy weather continues. People here will say that if you don't like the weather...wait 5 minutes and it will change. Easter Sunday dresses were covered with sweaters. Pictures were taken in front of pitiful looking tulips and daffodils. I turned the air on over the weekend because it was hot and humid...but it's off again now because it's cold and rainy.

On my way home from work last week I ran into a peculiar storm, even for us. I risked life and limb to bring it to you today. Mom relax, it's not as if I had precious cargo like eggs in the trunk or anything.

It all started with a few sprinkles and the distinct separation between blue sky and black cloud. It is true when they say it can be raining on one side of the street and not on the other.

The waterfall like rain started which made it difficult to see. Here are cars parked under the overpass to wait it out. Wimps! I would also like you to notice the sunshine beaming on the right. I had to wear my sunglasses. The black cloud remained on the left of the highway and the blue sky and sunshine stayed on the right. Weird.

Then the hail started. I would call it pea-sized. It wasn't huge but there was a lot of it. Coincidentally this is also when I noticed the rainbow. Now...how do I take a picture of the rainbow (which was far more brilliant than this photo portrays) in a hail storm while puttering along in rush hour traffic. Solution...sacrifice! I rolled the window down, got pelted with pea hail and soaked by waterfall rain and took this picture blind while paying close attention to the car in front of me. Safety first people!

By the time I got home, which was about 20 minutes. It was all over. The sky returned to blue and sunny as if it never happened. It's a good thing I was there to document.

There are other things going on here besides the weather but I have no proof. We continue to work on the house. We had lots of help last weekend. Thank you Jerry, Tim, Alex, Heather, and John's mom (who can single-handedly lift a 19 foot piece of metal onto the roof if called upon to do so). The heating/cooling, plumbing, electric work will hopefully be done by the end of next week.

I just finished my first month of playing piano at my new church. I managed to fool them into thinking I could read chord charts instead of sheet music. Hopefully soon I'll fool myself into thinking that too.
I'll have updated pictures soon. Of the house...not the piano playing. That would be boring.

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