Wednesday Work Day

We've changed our schedules around to add more time to work on the house. Wednesdays are now "house work" days. We're so blessed to have jobs where we can be flexible with our schedules.

Yesterday was so exciting! You know when you order a big fat salad at a restaurant and you eat and eat and eat and when you're done, it doesn't look like you've even made a dent in it. For me, that's how this house has felt lately. We work all day and while we've actually been able to get so much doesn't look like it at the end of the day.

Yesterday we made a huge dent. John was able to get 7 panels added to the roof. And while there are still no pictures of me doing anything, I did take pictures of the work I actually did.

We had both the electrician and the heating/cooling guys working. The electrician is from out of town so he's living in that trailer in our driveway. They were fun to work with and let me change my mind three times on where to put the doorbell.
I trimmed trees like a mad woman! This is one of many tree corners on our property. You can imagine the neglect they have felt lately. The house gets all the attention.

This is where tree limbs go to die out here in the country. This is also the massive pile of concrete that has been mentioned here before.

The dreaded wood pile. There are actually several of these but this one is by far the biggest. And that's Mark who helped us out yesterday (and several other times). The spare lumber faced the same doom as the tree branches above. No country home would be complete without an outhouse in the front yard. Okay, so ours is just temporary. I do not participate in this particular construction site activity. I won't tell you what I do instead, except to say that the stoic regal fellow below kept guard for me.

This stoic, regal fellow is Pete. Isn't he handsome? Pete and I have been working on our relationship and I think it's really coming along. I usually have food with me and you know what they say about the way to a man's heart. He stayed right there on that fence while I trimmed the trees around him yesterday. John finally let me ride him last Sunday. It's been awhile since he's had to tote a human around on his back (and he's never toted this human) but he did great.

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