Christmas Photo Outtakes

Now that most of the Christmas cards have been delivered, I thought I'd share some of the outtakes. We had your typical Christmas photo experiences - running to beat the self-timer, trying to get everyone to look at the camera, trying to keep a genuine smile after sitting in the cold for 30 minutes. It was great fun.

I even made John come back out to do it again because the best picture from the first batch - my sweater was weird. I bet no one would have even noticed - but I noticed and it bothered me.

So here you go...all the pictures that didn't make the cut. Some for obvious reasons.

Hurry! Hurry! The light's blinking!

The wind gust!

Sheena: "Oh - What's over there?"

The Finished Product

Here's the finished product of the Christmas Tree hunt.


And the fireplace that was made for just such an occasion.

The dining room all decked out.

The entry way to welcome you.

Merry Christmas!

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

We're in full Christmas-mode now.

John and I headed out last weekend to find the perfect tree for The Lodge. We both had certain requirements. John wanted it as tall as possible (it's in the living room with a vaulted ceiling) until I reminded him that we didn't have enough stuff to decorate a giant tree and decorating half of it was not permissible.

We walked all over that Christmas Tree Farm and found just the one. I know it looks like every other tree surrounding it but I assure you it's not. It's totally different. I also assure you that I am not as tired as I look. I'm not a morning person and it was technically still morning.

The lumberjack.

Kids - Don't try this at home. I just love the smell of free cut evergreens. More than once John has found me with my face buried in the tree.

Stay tuned for pictures of the finished product. Coming Soon!