Bullet Point Update

Just a few things to keep this corner of the interwebs up to date...

1.  I was scrolling through pictures on my camera and realized I never posted this picture.

It's part of an ongoing study in child development.  Specifically my oldest child and his propensity to grow, and therefore eat, at an alarming rate.  It's a longitudinal study that began in February 2010 when Seth was 3 years old.  I took a picture of Seth snacking on chips and salsa during the Superbowl.  The next year I took another one then another one and so on.  Same kid...Same TV tray.

2.  That same kid was recently honored at his school with a Character Key Award.  Each week the school highlights one of the character traits recited in the character pledge.  The week before Spring Break Seth received the Perseverance Award.  We were there for the award assembly to help him celebrate.

Receiving his award from the Principal

3.  I had a birthday last week and my loving husband got me exactly what I asked for.  I have recently taken up the guitar.  I'm self-teaching at this point but am having such a great time learning something new.  I've been practicing on John's guitar and I love it.  It has such a beautiful rich tone.  So instead of asking him to buy me a guitar for my birthday, I asked him to buy himself a new one so that we could play together.  He had to check with a few friends to make sure that what he heard me saying was in fact what I said.  It was.  So...John bought a used 12-string guitar for himself and now we're completely dorky and most evenings can be found playing classic country songs together in our living room.

4.  Here's a quick chicken update.  All is well.  I continue to check on them every few hours during the day.  They seem irritated by my constant attention at this point but listen here chickens...I'm the one that feeds you, cleans up after you (and you are DIRTY) and gives you water so I'll check on you when I please.

I think they look way bigger than they did just about a week ago.  They say you'll see the most growth in the first two weeks so it makes sense.  So far so good.  They seem happy in their small little corner of the barn.

I think that's it as far as updates.

1 Response to "Bullet Point Update"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Ok I am thrilled about the chickens and you know how happy Dad and I were about you all skiing, but THIS is what I have been waiting for, since the Super Bowl happened. I see it and I know it is true, but I can hardly believe the height of this boy! He will soon be taller than his mom.