Just a quick update on the chickens...
We are currently averaging one egg a day. There have been a couple two egg days but not consistently.
The girls are all healthy and active. They love getting kitchen scraps almost every morning but they seem to tire of apple scraps (I guess chickens can get tired of a good thing too. Just our luck that we get chickens with picky palates.)
They have been able to venture out of the coop with close supervision (and only when the dogs are indoors). They love it. And I mean love! They nearly plowed me over trying to get out the coop door this morning during my morning egg hunt.
They hunt for grasshoppers mostly. And when one of them gets one it turns into a chicken game of keep away. My grasshopper...no my grasshopper. It's very entertaining but I think our idea of entertainment might have diminished in recent months. We probably need to get out more.
Here are a few recent pictures.
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Life in the Country
John and Seth are going to a Royals' game later this month. After hearing Daddy talk about the plans, Colin became weepy. Colin has said before that he doesn't like going to the baseball game. After further discussion he admits that what he's really upset about is the fact that Seth and Daddy will probably eat hotdogs.
John was trying to make him feel better and told him that maybe Mommy would do something fun with him that day. John said, "What do you think you and mommy will do?"
Colin moped and said, "Stay at home and eat zucchini."
John and I chuckled under our breath. John said, "Does Mommy have enough money to buy some hotdogs?"
"No," Colin said quietly.
"She doesn't? What did she do with all her money?"
"She broke it."
"Broke it? Colin, Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I don't know."
I asked Colin what he might like to do that day. He gave me three options...laser tag, going to the movie theater (Theater is said with emphasis on every sound like he's British. That's how the boys say that word, always. I love it and will be sad when they realize that's not how other people say it.), or going out for pizza and renting a movie. You might notice, as I did, that none of these options include eating hotdogs.
This was on another mommy and Colin date a while back. Look how much fun he's having. Yet, Starbucks with Mommy didn't make the list. Shocking! |
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Funny Things the Boys Have Said
It seems so unreal to me but nonetheless, I now have an 8 year old and a 6 year old.
We been celebrating the boys birthday over the last few days. We took them Cosmic Miniature Golfing (an indoor glow in the dark course) then out to dinner with my sister over the weekend.
We all loaded up on glow sticks! |
John went for a more simple glow stick design. |
Colin reconfigured his glow stick arrangement several times throughout the evening. |
Then tonight the boys requested "breakfast for dinner" which is exactly what they got. Just like every year before it, they declared this the best birthday ever!
Once again, on this day, I feel blessed to be their mom. I think back to each birthday we've celebrated with them and I can't believe how much they've changed and grown. Some things have stayed the same like their interests and mannerisms but I see their personalities and characters developing and I'm excited to see what the years ahead will bring for them.
Happy Birthday boys! We love you!
A look back if you're interested 2013,
2011 ,
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The day has finally come. We've nourished and cared for our flock through the long hot summer and this morning we found this in the chicken coop.
Our first egg!!! It's not as pink in real life as it is in this picture (although that would be awesome!).
I'm surprised by how giddy I am about it but I suppose when they grow from this...
To now giving you delicious farm fresh eggs, maybe a little giddiness is in order.
Good job chickens! Keep it up!
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Life in the Country