Life in the Country - The State of the Coop

Just a quick update on the chickens...

We are currently averaging one egg a day. There have been a couple two egg days but not consistently.

The girls are all healthy and active.  They love getting kitchen scraps almost every morning but they seem to tire of apple scraps (I guess chickens can get tired of a good thing too.  Just our luck that we get chickens with picky palates.)

They have been able to venture out of the coop with close supervision (and only when the dogs are indoors).  They love it.  And I mean love!  They nearly plowed me over trying to get out the coop door this morning during my morning egg hunt.

They hunt for grasshoppers mostly.   And when one of them gets one it turns into a chicken game of keep away.  My my grasshopper.  It's very entertaining but I think our idea of entertainment might have diminished in recent months.   We probably need to get out more.

Here are a few recent pictures.

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