I’ve been 30 for a week and a half now. I have to admit (she's gonna love this)…my sister was right. She said it would be okay. I didn’t believe her because as you know she’s younger than me. That disqualifies her from having an opinion about my big 3-0. But there it is, in writing, for all to see and for my sister to reference when needed.
I have noticed lately however (age lends itself to contemplation you know), that my life is full of contradictions. It’s like I can’t figure out what I want to be…responsible and wise or spontaneous and fun. Right now my sister is thinking, “Why can’t you be all four?”
Let’s take the last couple of months as an example:
- I went to a concert 4 hours away on a Tuesday night. It took two vacation days, work coverage, and a dog sitter to make it happen.
- I still spend money on concerts, the perfect shoes, and candy. I also deposit a good percentage of my monthly income into a retirement account.
- I recently purchased a 5 zone foam mattress topper to remedy my back pain. I have back pain because I jumped off of a barn a few weeks ago. (I highly recommend the mattress topper…I don’t recommend barn jumping!)
- At the gas station tonight I grumbled with the man at the pump next to mine about the high cost of gas. I then walked into the gas station for a Coke slushy.
The funny thing is…I feel content in my contradictory life. It may be a little early to tell but so far I’m happy in 30-land. In 30-land you can talk about the benefit of hard wood vs. laminate floors on your way to pick up Chinese take-out because you only have condiments in the fridge. In 30-land you can say things like, “I downloaded a new song last night” and “I got a great interest rate on my home loan” and no one gives you a puzzled look. In 30-land you’re allowed to contradict yourself. You’re allowed to be responsible and wise AND spontaneous and fun.
You know what this means though…even in predicted thought…my sister was right!
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I've been a little blog-curious. I'm fascinated on one hand by what people are willing to reveal to the vast cyber-world. But I'm for any method that brings me closer to the people I care about. I try to keep friends and family updated on the KC happenings but wish I could do it more.
When I get excited about something (good or bad) I tend to write about it. Most of you have experienced the travel logs over the years. Many times my musings come in the form of letters. I've written two letters to NBC regarding their portrayal of social workers on the show ER (one complaining, one complimenting the change...which I'm sure was a direct result of my letter). The KS Highway Patrol Chief was the lucky recipient of my take on their apparent racial insensitivity (wasn't that a fun 12 hour road trip?). CBS yanked
one of my new favorite shows and boy did they hear about it! (For the record someone wrote that it was because the show was "too intelligent for the average television viewer." It took a little of the sting out.)
So why blog? To keep my friends and family updated and to give me an outlet to write about things. What to blog about? This I think I'll figure out along the way. I'm pretty sure a "diary" format will scare most people I know. A "stream of consciousness" on most days would look something like this...I need to feed my fish how has he lived this long do they make a pineapple peeler they should...this too could be scary and frankly boring.
So I suppose I'll write with news. I'll write thoughts on things I see or hear or think. Visit often and comment if you'd like.