Every year I have to fill out a new application for health insurance coverage through my employer. They've gotten fancier over the years and now the entire process can be done online using a new fangled questionnaire through the hospital's website.
You fill out which plan you would like, whether you want vision or dental coverage and who your beneficiaries are in case you die. When it got to the supplemental life insurance section, the following window popped up accompanied by a siren-like alarm (okay so it was just a beep but my speakers were turned up all the way from a previous project so it sounded as if I should grab my purse and head to the nearest safe-spot and await further instructions.)
Well, that's a fine how-do-you-do!! Easy there Open Enrollment Benefits website. Nobody asked you to find me one. And last I checked, I seemed to be able to handle that particular task just fine on my own!
Every once in a while something will come up that makes the little voice in my head say, "Wow...You're getting married!?!"
In this game of life, I hope I can look back and see that I played my "single" hand well.
My single-hand wasn't played perfectly. I had a few low cards. There was more than one pity party. Why is it that when your own relationships aren't going well, it feels like everyone else is skipping playfully through fields of pretty flowers, hand-in-hand with the man of their dreams, while birds chirp and harp music can be heard in the background? I admittedly spent more than one evening waiting for McDreamy to dial my number and make the watched phone ring.
But for the most part I did okay. I traded in those low cards and collected a few Kings and Aces that helped mold me into the person I am. I traveled. I made friends. I traveled with the friends I made. I got involved in important things. I had fun!
So with the hand I've got...I call...and feel pretty good about my chances to win.
I'm proud of myself for not being sadly single. I honestly think it will make me a better wife. I don't expect John to be "my everything". John says that's why we have friends. He doesn't have to be excited about the fact that the DMB concert is 4 days away because I just had lunch with my friend Lisa and she's excited enough for the both of them. I don't have to learn how to play guitar so John has a jam-buddy because his friend Tim is good enough for the both of us.
John is an important part of my life and I'm so lucky to have him. But he isn't my whole life. I have a life. He has a life. And now we'll have a life together. We'll keep doing the things that were important to us before. Some of it together...some of it apart. He compliments me but he doesn't complete me. So take that Tom "Cooky" Cruise!
Now if only I could get the people who write music to understand this so I don't have to sift through titles like, "All I Ever Needed" or "How Do I Live Without You" and "Nothing Else Matters" when searching for wedding music.