Life at the Lodge

So, I kinda skipped over this very monumental moment so it seems rather anticlimactic to tell you that we've moved into the lodge. We really weren't supposed to be there until we received the "temporary permit to occupy", which we got in the mail yesterday.

So...WE LIVE HERE NOW! I can't say we're really "moved in" because right now we live amid boxes, piles, tools, and such. But it's ours, we're here, and boy are we glad.

As you know, living in the country is new for me. There are some things to get used to. Yesterday, we took a walk after dinner and were accompanied by our two dogs and the neighbor's two dogs. Shortly into our walk we ran into the neighbor donkey. He's very cute and little. I didn't have my camera but I'll get a picture soon. He was romping around the field with his goat friend. I could tell they really wanted to join us on our walk but as it turns out...all our companion slots were full. Maybe next time.

Two nights ago, I was doing the dishes. Our kitchen sink faces the front drive (John says I can't call it a "driveway" anymore). There were two women at the end of the drive, facing our house, deep in conversation...probably talking about the people who had taken so long in building this house! That may not seem strange to you, and it isn't really, except that they were on horseback.

Later that evening John called to tell me to go outside and look at the sky. This is what I saw.

A hot air balloon flew (do they fly or float?) right over our house and landed in the field just behind ours. It was much closer than these pictures show. No time to grab the good camera.

Life at the lodge is fun so far. Some days I feel like Carol Ingalls (cooking beef stew while tending to my garden) and other days like Bob Villa (staining doors and trim and sorting lumber).

We're both taking off work the last week of April for our own version of "that home makeover show". We figure if the tv show can build a house in a week. We ought to be able to finish one. I'll keep you posted, hopefully with pictures.

My How Things Have Changed

Marriage changes people. Sure, this post is still true. I'm still my own person with my own likes and dislikes. John still does things he did before, despite my wrinkled brow and curious gaze of confusion.

But we're different than we were before.

Exhibit A - This conversation took place last weekend. It should be noted that spending money is...well...not normally John's idea of a good time.

John: So, I've been thinking. I think we should take our refunds and put it in our savings to help pay for construction expenses. But I think it's our civic duty to spend our rebate. I say we split it between us and we can each get what we want. What do you think? Maybe we can mosey over to Ann Taylor Loft and you can start on yours tonight?

Kim: Who are you and what have you done with my husband?

John: You're right it was a bad idea. Forget the whole thing.

Kim: No No No! I'm just saying, if you did something with my husband I would miss him terribly. I can miss him in a new outfit from Ann Taylor Loft though.

Exhibit B - I was working in our garden Sunday afternoon, getting it ready to plant. I know very little about gardening, but I'm learning. Someone told me that horse manure is a good fertilizer. We have lots of that laying around. There was a pile next to the garden edge from last year as a matter of fact. I was kneeling in the mud and it was just easier to pick it up with my hand than get up and get a shovel. That's right people! I picked horse poopy up with my hand! Now, it was a gloved hand and a very dry pile of poopy but still.

John asked me to marry him two years ago today. Since then, he's learned words like taupe, the difference between a-line and pencil skirts, and that coats go in the coat closet. I now know what torque is and the difference between a winch and a wench. I've been dirtier and smellier in the last two years than any other time in my life.

We're different now...and happy!

Penance as Promised

Okay, this is a practice in discipline as the rain and cold continues. But a promise is a promise so here we go...

1. I did in fact get that hug as soon as my husband got home.

2. I met with a family this afternoon who was charming and kind and didn't ask me for anything. They just appreciated the chance to visit with someone while their daughter was in the hospital.

3. In three weeks I will be here:

for a conference...but there will be plenty of time for an ocean-side stroll. I think this adds another state to my list of places I've been. I don't recall that I've been to Maine. It's always fun to add to my "have visited" list.

4. I am blessed beyond measure. There's no denying that. No matter what life throws at me, I am a fortunate one.

5. Bonus item - tomorrow night we'll be here:

It was a Christmas gift from my parents (which included a free night of dog-sitting "without complaint" - yes, that was actually on the gift certificate). So they'll be watching this one.

The rest of the menagerie can take care of themselves.

So there you have it. A much cheerier post on an equally soggy day. When did Kansas become the new Oregon?

Cranky Pants

Maybe it's the rain. Maybe it's the cold. Not sure, but man alive I'm cranky and in need of a virtual vent. For penance I'll return on Thursday with an equal number of cheery thoughts (I'd do it tomorrow but I'll be away from the computer...and that might be a bit ambitious to think I'll be ready by then.)

1. When getting on an elevator, please wait for current passengers to disembark. Especially if you are a surgeon in scrubs...people already think you're big-headed. Don't give them concrete evidence to prove it. You are not better or busier than anyone else.

2. In a rain storm, turn on your lights. We cannot see you otherwise.

3. If you are a slow driver and you are driving in the left lane, for the sake of all that is holy and pure, MOVE OVER!!!

4. When asking someone for help in paying your bills because you are "desperate", don't let said "someone" see you buying all kinds of nonsense in the hospital cafeteria. At least try to be somewhat discreet and let me live under the illusion that you always truthful and appreciative of my assistance.

I have the day off tomorrow and boy howdy its a good thing.

To my husband: Please come home tonight. I will try my best not to portray the monster-type image you see above. Besides, I could use a hug.

(The picture is what came up when "cranky pants" was entered into "word that rhymes with moogle" images).