Cranky Pants

Maybe it's the rain. Maybe it's the cold. Not sure, but man alive I'm cranky and in need of a virtual vent. For penance I'll return on Thursday with an equal number of cheery thoughts (I'd do it tomorrow but I'll be away from the computer...and that might be a bit ambitious to think I'll be ready by then.)

1. When getting on an elevator, please wait for current passengers to disembark. Especially if you are a surgeon in scrubs...people already think you're big-headed. Don't give them concrete evidence to prove it. You are not better or busier than anyone else.

2. In a rain storm, turn on your lights. We cannot see you otherwise.

3. If you are a slow driver and you are driving in the left lane, for the sake of all that is holy and pure, MOVE OVER!!!

4. When asking someone for help in paying your bills because you are "desperate", don't let said "someone" see you buying all kinds of nonsense in the hospital cafeteria. At least try to be somewhat discreet and let me live under the illusion that you always truthful and appreciative of my assistance.

I have the day off tomorrow and boy howdy its a good thing.

To my husband: Please come home tonight. I will try my best not to portray the monster-type image you see above. Besides, I could use a hug.

(The picture is what came up when "cranky pants" was entered into "word that rhymes with moogle" images).

2 Response to "Cranky Pants"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I love the pants.
    #1.Plus, it's not like Mr. Surgeon is getting where he'd going any faster.
    #4 Same with not being able to pick up your child for your weekend visit because you don't have money for gas and then blowing your welfare check the next week on a bigscreen tv, Nintendo 64, and other such crap. Aargh!

  2. Amber and Jon Says:

    So - I thought you should know that the "cranky pants" were advertised in my Pregnancy & Newborn magazine...if you'd like to purchase them...they're a mere $70 :-)