I Knew This Was Coming...

So far he's just commenced to playing upon his exit. I guess we know what we're doing over Labor Day weekend...bed shopping!!

It's actually a good thing. I'm tired of looking at that missing crib skirt. My entire male audience is asking themselves, "Cribs wear skirts?" Yes gentlemen. At least ours did.

Several months before the boys came home, my mom and I carried fabric swatches (little scraps of fabric) around looking for just the right coordinating pattern. We toiled over measurements and made a beautiful crib skirt making it appear as if we bought matching bedding for the nursery.

It took about a month for the boys to rip it down while playing hide and seek. It's become one of their favorite hiding places (second only to hiding behind the door). I've put it back up more times than I care to admit. I've given up.

And just in time too - big boy bed - here we come!

2 Response to "I Knew This Was Coming..."

  1. Tim James Says:

    Nicely done, Colin! You've got a great future of scaring your mom with your antics while your dad and brother cheer you on or tell you to hurry up. And thanks for the extra info on the cribskirts and swatches, Kim. This particular member of the male audience appreciates such a considerate gesture.

  2. The McKean Family Says:

    Love his tongue sticking out at the end! If you're not quite ready for a big boy bed they do make these pop up tent things that are made of mesh fabric and fit around the mattress....you just zip them in! It sounds worse than it is! ;) We have one for Addilyn because like Ella she started climbing out of the crib way too early for our liking!