Here We Go...Again

I know! I know! No excuses - it's just pitiful.

I've done some fun stuff since I wrote last though.

1. I went to Switzerland (I KNOW! If that doesn't warrant a blog post - I don't know what does!)

I went to visit friends and revisit a place I called home for awhile. More dedicated bloggers wrote about it here and here and here (this one is really just about the cans of pumpkin I brought with me, which was almost as important as me being there myself).

2. We celebrated Christmas

We spent Christmas in Oklahoma with John's parents.

The boys' first Christmas was as magical as you would imagine. I wasn't sure how much they would understand but they caught on just fine. We celebrated Jesus and Santa and the giving of gifts.

3. We celebrated our 1 year family-versary!

We celebrated with a traditional Ethiopian dinner at a local restaurant. John was giving instructions to everyone about how to eat it and we looked over to find Seth digging in - no instruction needed. Colin wasn't nearly as concerned as he appears to be in the picture. He too jumped in and gobbled it right up.

I made books for each of the boys with pictures and stories from when we became a family. Actually, someone else made the books, I just added pictures and captions. They are beautiful - and someday I might actually let the boys have them. :)

So you see, we're still here. Everyone is doing well.

I'll try to do better next time.

1 Response to "Here We Go...Again"

  1. The McKean Family Says:

    I love all the updates! Welcome back to blogging! :)