All Caught Up

Another Garmin Family Fun Day checked off our summer fun list.  This was the first year Seth met the minimum height requirement for some of the "big kid" rides and boy did he take advantage of it.  
Colin on the Merry-Go-Round

Daddy and Colin in Planet Snoopy

Seth on the Merry-go-Round
Mommy rode The Mamba with Seth (his first "grown-up" roller coaster).  I gave him lots of chances to change his mind but he went for it.  I see many dare-devil moments in our future.  Oh dear!

Fast forward to the end of June.  Grandma and Grandpa are now back for the summer.  They joined us for a day-of-fun in Kansas City despite the forecast calling for temps from 105-111. 

We started out the day by meeting  these folks for fun at the farm park.

After Seth got a few laps around the tractor track, we paid him 5cents to push  Milo around.  Next year'll be able to reach those problem!

Grandma's pictures of of local foilage.  There are thousands of these pictures from around the world.  Someday I should do a whole post just on flower pictures taken by my mom.

More flower pictures

Seth and Grandpa checking out the owl
Later that afternoon we all  went to a Royals' game equipped with a 12 pack of cold water bottles and 5 frozen wash cloths to help us beat the heat.
Whew!!!  What a day!

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