Life in the Country - Cool Summer

It has been a sweltering summer.  Temps well over 100 most days with no significant rain for months.  But we had some relief earlier this week with a cool cloudy day.  We spent most of the day outside trying to revive wilted shriveled plants.  The boys picked some apples (with permission...that's the rule!) and rode their bikes.

After dinner we spent some time in the backyard.  John and the boys practiced their fishing by casting their line into the backyard to try to catch some leaves.  I set up shop on the back deck to peel/cube apples* while watching the fun.  

It was a lovely summer evening.  Those have been hard to come by this year.  

*I was cubing apples to make this.  I had some on my toast this morning and it was delicious!  For my local friends...our apples are ready for the picking.  You're welcome to stop by for a few.

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