How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?

Friday, June 13, 2008 4:06 PM by Kimberly Ann
We lost our dog last weekend. He's a country dog so he wanders aimlessly around the countryside, spending time with his country dog friends. He goes to his friend's house and sometimes his friends come here. I imagine during the day they nap together, jump in ponds together, and from the smell of some skunk together. We give him the freedom to roam where he pleases. So it's not all that suprising when we don't see him for a few hours.

Last weekend however, he was missing overnight, which isn't normal. John asked if anyone had seen him around. We hadn't. I commented that he hadn't come home last night. We shrugged our shoulders and went about our work of planting the front flower bed.

Side note: Here's us planting the front flower bed. That's Spring. She's our landscaper. Okay, not really...she's our friend who also happens to know a lot about plants. She knows about spacing and light and when plants look healthy or sick. She's also very good at digging up irises, which makes her a-okay in my book. She took hundreds and hundreds of them last weekend.

Anyway, back to business. Suddenly Spring says, "There's Carhartt!" John calls for him but he does not come. We don't hear the familiar jingle of his tags. Where on earth is he? Spring points towards the east, "In the window," she says.

And then we saw him.

That's our neighbor's barn. He was locked inside. We're not sure how long he'd been there, but at least a day. He'd probably been in that window quite awhile thinking..."Why don't they see me?"

The neighbor's weren't home so it took awhile to rescue him. Carhartt is rather fond of the neighbors and they have taken good care of him while we were not living here. I'm sure he was hanging out with Mr. Neighbor and fell asleep...getting locked inside. John got him out using the old credit card in the door trick.

Carhartt spent the rest of the day looking rather proud of himself that he knew enough to sit in that window...willing our attention. He also drank a lot of water.

Thank you Spring for helping us with all our living things, plant and animal.

3 Response to "How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?"

  1. KT Says:

    I'm so glad you found him!

  2. Crippdog Says:

    I'm glad you found Carhartt

  3. Anonymous Says:

    :-) Great retelling. he he he Carhartt has the funnyest grin on his face when we found him. :}
