Our Version of "You Pick" Flowers

Monday, June 09, 2008 9:38 AM by Kimberly Ann
I'm not giving my address out over the internet so this post is just for our closest and dearest friends, who already know where we live.

We're thinning out our iris population and there are lots to share.

So here's what you do:

Step 1: Be our friend
Step 2: Know where we live
Step 3: Come any time, day or night, with a plastic/paper bag
Step 4: Find an iris anywhere along the driveway. Please start at the plants closest to the road. Irises look like this

(photo by Spring)
Step 5: Pull from the base of the plant - the plant and bulb should come out. If it doesn't, dig around a bit and the bulb will pop right out. They are not difficult to dig up. There should be some wiggly roots shooting off the bulb - that's good, you want that.
Step 6: Take them to your house, your mother's house, you're neighbor's house, etc.
Step 7: Cut leaves down to about 5 inches - it will look like a fan.
Step 8: Break the old bulb, with no wiggly roots, off
Step 9: Dig a hole where you want it
Step 10: Insert bulb
Step 11: Wait
Step 12: Enjoy

1 Response to "Our Version of "You Pick" Flowers"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Oh, too bad I don't live closer, that sounds easy and fun. Drew told me that if I made another sound this morning, he would pee all over this room. (meaning my room since he had climbed into bed with us - something had fallen off the bed and startled him - don't know where the rest of the thought came from, but thought you'd get a laugh - joy list)