Over Coffee and a Pastry

I eat breakfast at Panera nearly every Saturday morning. I'm usually alone with my coffee, pastry, and either a newspaper or whatever book I happen to be reading at the time.

As much as I try to concentrate on my own business, I just can't seem to drown out the voices at the tables around me.

When John asks, "How was Panera this morning?", what that really means is "So what did you overhear?"

There are frequent feeders like me who are there every Saturday morning. I hear the results of conversations they had the week before...how the meeting went, or how much little Janie liked her birthday party.

A couple weeks ago there was a group of social workers who had recently graduated from KU (my SW alma mater) studying for their licensing exams. I wanted to jump over and offer advice but refrained. I was afraid they would think I was a big fat weirdo for listening so closely to them. My advice would have been to stop studying. It's not a matter of knowing what's on the test as much as it is knowing HOW to take the test. They might have liked to know that but it's too late now.

Some overheard comments are so funny...especially the kids. Moms come to Panera because they like having coffee and a pastry...that's a very "mom" thing to like. Kids...not so much and I'm always impressed with kids who put up with the froo froo breakfast over a egg mcmuffin.

Last Saturday I switched tables for a change of pace. I sat near three tables, all with kids about seven or eight. Here are some comments heard that morning...

"I want to be a teacher when I grow up. What do you want to be?" "I want to dominate the universe."

"I will not stand for this catastrophe." (I'm not sure what the catastrophe was but this seven year old is not going to take it anymore!)

"Mommy, can we please not shop for shoes all day?"

"There's a stinky lady in the bathroom." "Well honey, sometimes that happens in a bathroom." "No mom, she was reallllly stinky." (said with the whiney voice produced by pinching your nose together)

I love my Saturday morning breakfast.

Insomnia - A One Woman Play

This play takes place on an ordinary Tuesday night.
Props: a comfy bed, a tv, an alarm clock, and an ugly dog
All lines are thought, not spoken as there is no audience to hear them.

Act I Scene I

- home inspection tomorrow
- have to water mom’s plants
- I’ll have to do that in the morning
- If I decide what I’m wearing now I can sleep another 15 minutes after the alarm
- Oh look Bridezilla’s on (grab remote and set sleep timer for 30 minutes)
- I’ll be asleep in 30 minutes

Act I Scene II

- That was 30 minutes?
- Why am I not asleep?
- Well it’s probably because you have a lot to do tomorrow
- Out of the house by 8:30 for the home inspector.
- I wonder if they’ll notice the broken rod on the blinds?
- Water plants at mom and dad’s before work.
- Is there a Starbucks between here and there?
- Not a convenient one.
- Meeting at 11:00.
- I’ll probably have to hear about Suzy and her crazy mother (not her real name).
- Meeting with the architect at 6:00.
- Off to my last choir practice at 6:30.
- I’m going to miss it.
- Look there’s a spider web on the overhead light.
- Don’t forget to dust it in the morning.
- I better do it now or I’ll forget.
- No Sheena it’s not time to get up. I’m just cleaning the light. Yes now.
- Don’t forget to order that music tomorrow.
- Don’t forget to email the girls.
- Should I just do it now so it’s done. No…go to sleep. I can’t!

Act I Scene III

- Maybe C-Span will lull me to sleep.
- C-Span is boring
- Infomercial
- Infomercial
- Infomercial
- Who buys this garbage?
- People awake in the middle of night that’s who
- A Lunesta commercial…now that’s just mean. I want some.
- I’ll fall asleep soon.
- I’ll set my alarm for 15 minutes later than usual.
- Oh look my alarm has a sound machine.
- Oh how nice…sounds like the ocean.
- Next, sounds like camping in the woods.
- I could never sleep in the woods…too noisy.
- Oh I like that…a waterfall. Flowing water, no noisy bugs or birds. That’s nice.
- And there’s a nifty sleep timer on it.
- 30 minutes ought to do it.
- Didn’t work last time…okay 60 minutes.
- Now I have to go the bathroom.
- No Sheena it’s still not time to get up. I know it looks that way.

Act I Scene IV

- It’s 5:30 so I could get 2 hours of sleep if I start now.
- Ready, Set, Sleep
- Okay now…Ready, Set, Sleep
- This is ridiculous
- Maybe I could try counting…one,two, three….three hundred thirty six, three
hundred thirty seven.
- Okay, now multiples of 3…three, six, nine, twelve, fifteen…three hundred thirty six…UGH!

Final Scene

- 10 minutes until my alarm goes off…finally.
- No convenient Starbucks? I don’t care…I’ll find one…I’ll need it.
- Sheena get up it’s time to go potty.
- Sheena it’s now time to get up.
- Okay I’ll brush my teeth first but then it’s time to get up.

And curtain….

Celebrate Good Times Come On!

We sold our condo this weekend! Yeah! We're pretty excited. The roommate worked very very hard and it has paid off. We close September 15th. We are most excited about not having to keep our house "show ready" at all times. To celebrate, neither of us made our beds Saturday morning. We're wild and crazy I know!

I'll be trekking back to apartment life and John will join me in November. We'll be there only as long as it takes to finish our house. It may be just the motivation we need.

Just thought I'd share the good news.

Case 081006 - People vs. Cry Baby Inc.

We are such babies! Sometimes people (myself included) can act so spoiled. I present the following evidence for your review.

Exhibit A: On my way out the door yesterday, after a long day of meetings, I stood in line for the shuttle bus to the parking lot. On most days around that time, the shuttle buses are lined up one right after the other. Our parking lot is a few blocks away so the hospital provides a ride to and from. Last night however, there were no buses waiting when I stepped in line. We waited...and waited...and waited some more. People were getting antsy. A few huffed and puffed and stepped out of line to opt for walking instead of waiting. Still waiting...several people got on their cell phones to report to loved ones or babysitters that they were still waiting for the bus and would be late. The bus eventually came around the corner and everyone sighed and mumbled something to the effect of, "Finally!" We all looked around at each other like, "look we made it...we survived." The lady behind me glanced at her watch and said to nobody in particular, "We just stood here for 8 minutes can you believe it took that long."

Exhibit B: I got in my car after my "grueling" 8 minute wait and turned on the radio to hear a broadcaster explaining the delays in airports around the world due to the heightened security measures following the thwarted terrorist plot to blow up airplanes headed for the US. Here are some quotes heard in that broadcast and several others since:

"A man on my flight was asked to discard of his Starbucks coffee. He was pretty upset. I would be too, that's like a $5.00 cup of coffee."

"It's really hard for people to go without their iPods and listen to those talking around them or babies crying."

"In this day and age, people can't be expected to weather transcontinental flights without some form of electronic entertainment; books and conversations are great for some people, but not everyone."

Closing argument: If 8 minutes completely throws your day into a tailspin...if you "can't be expected" to "weather" the temporary hiatus from coffee, your iPod, or other forms of electronic entertainment it is no one's fault but your own. Do not blame the bus driver, airport security, terrorist groups, or Osama.

Stop your cryin' and gain a tad bit of perspective.

Case closed!

Up to Date

Here's an update on what's going on here. For you locals...you can ignore this post if you want to and instead check out this website to tide you over. Who knows, you just might learn something.

Wedding plans are well underway and very much under control. I'm not feeling overwhelmed by the process.

I attended the Bridal Spectacular a few weekends ago for one reason and one reason only...50% off tux rental. I made my way to the Men's Wearhouse booth (click here to build your own tux...the fun never ends here in Chatterbox World!). I arrived five minutes after they opened the doors. I would have been there earlier but I was delayed by the other 100 brides stopping at every booth to sign up for every sweepstakes they could. At one point I eyed a formal wear booth with four men in tuxes doing a choreographed dance routine. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I found the booth I needed and was greeted by five men (also in tuxes) who simultaneously said, "How are you?" I laughed, "Fine thank you." "You're here just for this aren't you?" one man asked. "Yes, where do I sign." I was out the door in 15 minutes with my receipt to receive 50% off all our tuxes.

House plans are moving right along. John is working very hard. There have been a few overwhelming moments but there's a lot more involved in house moving, planning, building, etc. than there is in picking out centerpieces for a wedding reception and making sure our invitations are delivered on time. They're supposed to start digging the foundation there today. Once the house is moved, put back together, and connected to water, electric, sewer...we'll put it on the market and the crowds will stand in line for the chance to move right in. I just know it!

Here's a pic of the house in its current state. This my friends is love! When a man will split his house in two for you...that's when you know! (the garage is straight ahead. One half of the house is to the left of the hole in the ground. The other half is on the right.)

We have to move this house in order to build our new house. After looking at lots and lots of floorplans we came up with a list of "must haves" and "don't wants" and I think we did well. It'll be 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath with a large kitchen, vaulted living room, and someday a finished basement. I love it! It will be awhile until we can see it in person but we're headed in the right direction.

My condo is still on the market. We've had a few people interested but nothing solid. We've still got plenty of time. And besides, the longer I stay here...the better chance I have of not moving back in with my parents. Don't worry...I didn't just hurt their feelings. They feel the same way! There's a reason 30 year olds should not live at home and it's not because we don't love each other.

Anyway, there's an update on life here. And for the hometown crowd...I'll be back to regularly scheduled programming soon.

I Won!!!

I watch the Today Show every morning while I get ready for work. Actually, I listen to the Today Show from the bathroom every morning while I get ready for work. I heard about a contest where you could "win a day with Matt Lauer". I entered thinking it would be fun to spend some time in New York. The Matt Lauer part was cool but it was more about spending the day in New York.

Anyway...I WON!!!!!

They booked me on the next flight out and off I went. I didn't even have time to tell anyone I was going. I got off the plane and was greeted by a limo driver holding a sign with my name printed on it. I hopped in and we drove through the city.

Matt lives in a highrise building on something like the 36th floor. I wasn't really paying attention. Anyway, he opened the door and said, "Hey! Welcome! Thanks for coming. My wife has left instructions and phone numbers on the kitchen counter. We really appreciate you doing this. We should be back around 2 or 3."

"In the morning? What? Where are you going?" I ask.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" He replied.

"Yes, it is."

And I woke up. I'm not about to babysit Matt Lauer's kids. What a rip off contest!

New Level of Obsession

My name is Kim and I'm a freezer pop addict.

It all started in a land far far away. On our last day at the work site in Africa we passed around the box of freezer pops. We had to get rid of them so everyone had two, three, four freezer pops a piece. One in each hand at least.

When we landed in Kansas City it was a million and one degrees outside and we've only had a few days of reprieve since then.

My answer to the heat wave...freezer pops! A box of 1000 costs what...$3.00. They are all I can think about when I'm driving around in my hot car or when I'm walking across a parking lot that would probably cook the bottom of my feet if I didn't keep moving.

John caught me eating one right after the other a few days ago. "Weren't you just eating an orange one?" he said. "Yes, don't judge me!"

But last night it happened...I reached a new level of my addiction which has caused me to realize that I have a problem.

I consumed two freezer pops (purple and green)...okay fine it was four (purple, green, red AND orange)...all while tucked snuggly in my bed.

I know!!! It's an illness. I'm seeking the advice of professionals.

Introductions Are In Order

I want to welcome three new bloggers to the program. Will you please give a warm welcome to

Tim and his Lemon Peeler

Spring and her picture takin' skills

and finally, Barrett the cuddly bear...sorry Barrett, I couldn't resist!

You can find them every week on the "links" list to your right.