Insomnia - A One Woman Play

This play takes place on an ordinary Tuesday night.
Props: a comfy bed, a tv, an alarm clock, and an ugly dog
All lines are thought, not spoken as there is no audience to hear them.

Act I Scene I

- home inspection tomorrow
- have to water mom’s plants
- I’ll have to do that in the morning
- If I decide what I’m wearing now I can sleep another 15 minutes after the alarm
- Oh look Bridezilla’s on (grab remote and set sleep timer for 30 minutes)
- I’ll be asleep in 30 minutes

Act I Scene II

- That was 30 minutes?
- Why am I not asleep?
- Well it’s probably because you have a lot to do tomorrow
- Out of the house by 8:30 for the home inspector.
- I wonder if they’ll notice the broken rod on the blinds?
- Water plants at mom and dad’s before work.
- Is there a Starbucks between here and there?
- Not a convenient one.
- Meeting at 11:00.
- I’ll probably have to hear about Suzy and her crazy mother (not her real name).
- Meeting with the architect at 6:00.
- Off to my last choir practice at 6:30.
- I’m going to miss it.
- Look there’s a spider web on the overhead light.
- Don’t forget to dust it in the morning.
- I better do it now or I’ll forget.
- No Sheena it’s not time to get up. I’m just cleaning the light. Yes now.
- Don’t forget to order that music tomorrow.
- Don’t forget to email the girls.
- Should I just do it now so it’s done. No…go to sleep. I can’t!

Act I Scene III

- Maybe C-Span will lull me to sleep.
- C-Span is boring
- Infomercial
- Infomercial
- Infomercial
- Who buys this garbage?
- People awake in the middle of night that’s who
- A Lunesta commercial…now that’s just mean. I want some.
- I’ll fall asleep soon.
- I’ll set my alarm for 15 minutes later than usual.
- Oh look my alarm has a sound machine.
- Oh how nice…sounds like the ocean.
- Next, sounds like camping in the woods.
- I could never sleep in the woods…too noisy.
- Oh I like that…a waterfall. Flowing water, no noisy bugs or birds. That’s nice.
- And there’s a nifty sleep timer on it.
- 30 minutes ought to do it.
- Didn’t work last time…okay 60 minutes.
- Now I have to go the bathroom.
- No Sheena it’s still not time to get up. I know it looks that way.

Act I Scene IV

- It’s 5:30 so I could get 2 hours of sleep if I start now.
- Ready, Set, Sleep
- Okay now…Ready, Set, Sleep
- This is ridiculous
- Maybe I could try counting…one,two, three….three hundred thirty six, three
hundred thirty seven.
- Okay, now multiples of 3…three, six, nine, twelve, fifteen…three hundred thirty six…UGH!

Final Scene

- 10 minutes until my alarm goes off…finally.
- No convenient Starbucks? I don’t care…I’ll find one…I’ll need it.
- Sheena get up it’s time to go potty.
- Sheena it’s now time to get up.
- Okay I’ll brush my teeth first but then it’s time to get up.

And curtain….

2 Response to "Insomnia - A One Woman Play"

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Bravo! Bravo! Encore! Encore! ... ehr... no, wait. I don't want you to have to go through all of that again, and neither does Sheena. Good luck rounding up those pesky Z's.

    Tim "I've got your Lunesta right here" James

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Wow, that was totally impressive! I was riveted to your story. As you can see, it's 1:52 a.m., and I'm still up as well. I've had problems sleeping as well, but I've never been able to describe so well. It's tough being up
